Preliminary concepts centered around determining a variety of ways to shield food while cooking it.
The initial direction focused on making the top and bottom identical to minimize mold investment, but later shifted to a smaller cover to reduce part cost.
Initial form studies centered around the familiarity of cookware. Later this direction was abandoned for two reasons: 1. the risk of something looking like cookware and accidentally being used as cookware & 2. a unique product deserves a unique look.
The team explored the option of a modular platform that allowed for different temperatures & different grilling patterns.
In these sketches, ergonomics of side & top handles were solidified and top profile designs were explored to bring Tupperware Visual Brand Language cues into the fold.
TWO PRIMARY MODES: Dual-Contact Grilling & Single-Surface Baking.
SOLUTION: Elongating the shape to just beyond a perfect square allowed the same cover to be used in both instances.
SEE HOW IT WORKS: Below, click & drag to see it transition from Grilling to Baking.
Grill, gratin, steam, saute, bake...all in the microwave.